business networking groups kenya

Business networking groups in Kenya play a significant role in developing connections that sustain business growth. These are groups where business professionals can meet, interact and network. Each of these requires membership, mostly on an annual basis. The financial commitment is, however, dime-sized in comparison to the benefits a professional receives in return.

The entities below are mostly focused on business. Country clubs, although similarly hubs of networking and business development, are mostly considered social clubs and are therefore not expounded on. However, they are excellent networking groups for business professionals who are looking for referrals.


Top 5 Business Networking Groups in Kenya

(and a bonus one that is actually the largest of them all)

1. BNI

“Giver’s Gain”


Business Networking International is a worldwide business networking organization. They operate on the philosophy of ‘Giver’s Gain’. Giving business to others so that you may get some business in return.

Their ‘word of mouth’ program is a strong and effective method of building strong business relationships which can only develop successfully over time. Each professional is, however, advised by BNI to follow their own profession’s ethical codes.

Find members from the Kenya chapter here.


Some benefits

  • Substantially increase business through referrals
  • Learn to effectively talk about your business
  • Sharpen your presentation skills
  • Member Success Program workshop
  • Advanced Education Series workshops
  • Leadership Team Training



2. MasterMind Groups

“Every mind needs friendly contact with other minds, for food of expansion and growth.” Napoleon Hill


MasterMind groups are a peer-brainstorming group whose members offer each other advice, share ideas, challenge each other and hold each other accountable. This peer-to-peer mentoring does remarkable things for member businesses as they are exposed to big ideas that stretch the limits.

A MasterMind support system removes the lonesomeness of starting a business venture alone, and the advice leads to quick and successful business transformation because you have people to report back to.

Some examples of MasterMind groups here in Kenya are Mulberry MasterMind for entrepreneurs and business executives, F500 Health Group, The Profit Network Business MasterMind Group etc. Find the group that is most suitable to your needs and get the support you need to grow your business.

Some benefits

  • Create real progress in your business and our life
  • Get honest feedback, advice, and brainstorming
  • Borrow on the experience and skills of the other members
  • Create action plans and have the group hold you accountable for fulfilling your plans and goals
  • Receive critical insights into yourself
  • Optimistic peer support in maintaining a positive mental attitude

(Karyn Greenstreet, The Success Alliance)

Would you like to contact them?

The Profit Network allows you to test drive a chapter meeting here.



3. Chamber of Commerce

“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” Henry Ford


Chambers of Commerce are business network organizations aimed to further the interest of businesses. In Kenya, there are several joint country chambers of commerce which promote commercial, industrial and financial relations between two countries.

These chambers main benefit is to safeguard the business interests of members who claim them as their countries of origin, as well as those of anybody who would want to do business in those countries. They also have several benefits that fall under networking relations.

Kenya currently has the American Chamber of Commerce, the British Chamber of Commerce, the German Chamber of Commerce, the Joint Kenya-Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Kenya Australia Chamber of Commerce, the Canada-East Africa Chamber of Commerce, the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Kenya, among many others. There also exists the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Some benefits

  • Networking opportunities and events
  • Free exchange of business information, advice, contacts, and services
  • Information on conducting business in those countries or in Kenya
  • Invitations to trade missions
  • Advocacy

4. Rotary

“Service above Self”

Rotary International is an international service organization whose purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. (Ideals of the Rotary)

In Kenya, there are 41 active Rotary Clubs. Their humanitarian spirit drives the work they do, which is to serve communities around the world. The Rotary network is comprised of a complex organizational structure, with guiding principles and a Four-Way Test that becomes the soul of every Rotarian.

Rotary has an annual membership fee and criteria for persons who may want to join.

Some benefits

  • Continuing education opportunities
  • International travel opportunities
  • Lifetime professional, personal, and family relationship building
  • Global exposure to NGOs
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Better understanding of ethical behavior in business communities


5. Industry or niche groups

“The best augury of a man’s success in his profession is that he thinks it the finest in the world.” George Eliot


Whatever profession you are in, there are industry-specific groups that you can join to develop connections. These associations have certain goals they want to achieve, which should align perfectly with your individual ones.

Two such groups are the ones listed below.

The Luxury Network is the world’s leading luxury affinity group. They facilitate co-operation and exciting new business development activities between top-end companies, under the umbrella of affinity marketing, providing direct access to each other’s pre-qualified, high net worth private clients. With the advent of luxury consulting, this network could be the place where you are able to get in-depth knowledge of your niche area and establish connections that will grow your business colossally.

The Kenya Association of Women Business Owners is a national association whose mandate is to empower women in business to grow and excel. Some of the benefits of KAWBO are advocacy, capacity building, networking and mentoring opportunities.


Not ready for that kind of commitment?

There is one business networking group in Kenya, and worldwide, for those who might not be able to commit to physical attendance. And this networking group is bigger than any of the aforementioned. In Kenya alone, it has 1.4 million members! It is also a global network and the largest the world’s largest networking group for professionals.


The world’s largest professional network is the single, most effective networking group for building connections, seeking out and being sought for opportunities, and showcasing your personal brand. LinkedIn groups are rich in these resources, and introduce you to professionals in your field the world over – without having to pay the extra air miles.

However, many Kenyans have not optimized their LinkedIn profiles and a greater number are not active. This is leading to loss of business and opportunities for collaborating with others!

If you’d like to change this, do talk to us and we’ll let you know what we can do to transform your LinkedIn profile from mediocre, barely noticeable, underoptimized… to standing out, exemplary and a cut above the rest! Book a free consultation with us and we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of transforming your LinkedIn profile.


More of a meet-and-greet kind of professional?

Here is a list of upcoming events that you may want to attend depending on your industry. Save them in your calendar and keep a look-out for more.


Entrepreneur’s Day Friday, 23rd December 2016
From Employee, Investor to Entrepreneur Cocktail Friday, 23rd December 2016
PHP Meetup Tuesday, 3rd January 2017