Still Chasing That Big Promotion and Pay Raise?
This is exactly why we created the Executive Talent Network - a 12-month program that provides 1:1 support to land a lucrative leadership role.
Traditional job search leaves exceptional professionals, just like you, who employers and recruiters are eager to find, chasing dead ends.
The Executive Talent Network helps you:
Find More Great Positions
We give you exclusive access to unadvertised senior positions.
Benefit from 360-degree support, which includes interview and negotiation coaching, so you can secure an ideal offer.
Comprehensive Career Assistance
Stand out with a professional personal brand that persuasively conveys your leadership abilities.
Tell Your Story Powerfully!
Gain confidence and peace of mind with a coach who knows how to help you move up the career ladder.
Great Culture, Great Pay
Don't Just Take Our Word for it, Hear from Executives We've Helped
In only 12 months, we've helped professionals boost their salaries by 300%+ and secure higher roles.
Will you be next?
Samuel Gachanja
My initial thought was that the service was costly. I am now convinced that it was worth every cent. Once my LinkedIn profile and C.V were reworked, traffic to my profile increased drastically. Job offers also started coming in regularly. I recommend Angled North for any manager who is truly serious about their career growth.
Angled north helped me redesign my cv, LinkedIn profile and cover letter. During the coaching interview session, I was able to sit back and capture all the important achievements I had over the years and this has now helped boost my confidence into seeking positions I previously felt timid to apply for. I am now clear of my value proposition. The few interviews I have had since starting the sessions have been a walk in the park. I am looking forward to starting my new senior role with angled north as my consultant.
Nyandiga Were
Judith Adem Owigar
Angled North helped me re-organize and compose my executive profile and my LinkedIn Profile page. Through their services I was able to effectively highlight the work I have done and my achievements in a clear and concise way. I would recommend this service to young women who are trying to package their achievements and experience.
Don't Waste Another Year - Join Hundreds of Ambitious Professionals Levelling Up Their Careers
If you feel stuck in your career and want to break the cycle in 2024, the Executive Talent Network is here to help.
Our proven 12-month program saves you hundreds of frustrating hours by opening insider access, supporting you in every aspect and equipping you with the tools to communicate effectively.
Will another year slip by without the higher senior leadership role you deserve?
Or will you finally achieve the position and salary increase you DESERVE?